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National Strategy on Brain Injury
Image source: National Strategy on Brain Injury for Canada Website

On June 12, 2024, the House of Commons unanimously passed Bill C-277, the National Strategy on Brain Injuries Act, marking a historic step toward enhancing brain injury awareness, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation across Canada. 

The strategy aims to promote preventive measures, improve professional training, enhance data collection, and foster collaboration among provincial governments, Indigenous groups, and brain injury associations. 

The bill, now referred to the Standing Committee on Health, will be reviewed in September 2024.

Bill C-277 in the Brain Injury Speaks Newsletter

Every day, we turn on the TV or flip through the newspaper, confronted by devastating news from around the world. It can be hard to watch, often making it feel as though the world is overwhelmingly bleak, with little good to be found. In such times, it’s easy to forget the positive changes we can create in our own lives and in the lives of others. We must remind ourselves that we have the power to make a meaningful impact.

For the brain injury community, Bill C-277 shines as a beacon of hope. Recent news highlights the strength of Canada’s brain injury advocates, as evidenced by the unanimous vote in the House of Commons in support of this bill. Let us remember that each day is an opportunity to shape the future we envision for ourselves and for those around us.

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Call to Action

Stay informed and support the passage of Bill C-277 by contacting your local representatives and advocating for the continued focus on brain injury initiatives. Together, we can ensure this vital legislation becomes law and provides the necessary support for those affected by brain injuries in Canada. For more information you can visit Brain Injury Canada at

You can also learn more about the National Strategy on Brain Injury for Canada



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