Signs of domestic abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV) are often pictured as bruises, broken bones or black eyes. The concurrent invisible injury such as brain trauma in women is often unnoticed. A study of women who sustained domestic violence found that:
- Internationally, 30% of women over the age of 15 report IPV
- An estimated 92% reported that their partners hit them more than once
- Up to 83% reported being both hit in the head and severely shaken
- 8% disclosed they were hit in the head more than 20 times in the past year (Jackson, 2002) Visit
- Up to 75% of sampled women who experienced IPV have suffered multiple partner-related traumatic brain injuries (Valera EM, 2016) Visit
OBIA is raising awareness
OBIA is actively involved in raising awareness of the connection between IPV and concussion throughout Ontario. IPV can occur in people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic classes, levels of education, races and cultures; however, it disproportionately happens to women.
If your organization is interested in finding out more about how OBIA can educate and support your front line workers in recognizing symptoms of a brain injury, please contact us at 1-800-263-5404.
For support, please contact or phone our helpline: 1-800-263-5404.
Other Resources
St. Joseph’s Health Care London
St. Joseph’s has created a page including assessment tools and research on concussions from Parkwood Institute along with resources for treating adults and children.
Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF)
These guidelines were developed by leading experts and researchers in the field of concussion from across Ontario. These guidelines are intended to provide evidence-based information for health care professionals in diagnosing and managing concussion. The guidelines are also available in an easy to navigate patient version.
This research was led at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and includes more than 3,000 children as participants. This study revealed a number of findings with the purpose of being “more efficient in arranging follow-up.” Roger Zemek, lead researcher
Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit
In order to improve the lives of survivors as well as the working environment for frontline workers, this toolkit serves to provide information, resources, research and practice recommendations for providing trauma-informed service delivery. This toolkit is an evolving resource and as such, is constantly changing.
OBI Public Talks: Intimate Partner Violence and Concussion
Women who face domestic violence are at a high risk of concussions, causing psychological and physical harm. Dr. Eve Valera discussed her research on the topic, Deirdre Reddick shared her personal experience as a survivor, and Ruth Wilcock shared information about community supports and resources available.
Canadian Royal Purple Society
The goal of the Canadian Royal Purple Society is to raise awareness about the intersection between brain injury and interpersonal violence with a goal to eliminate it.