Resource Handbook
This handbook is intended as a resource to anyone involved in the education of a student who is living with the effects of an acquired brain injury. The handbook was developed OBIA and Brock University, (Dr. Dawn Good, Director of the Centre for Neuroscience, Past Chair of the Psychology Department and Research Member of the Centre for Lifespan Development Research at Brock University, Dr. Sheila Bennett, Professor, Faculty of Education at Brock University, Dr. Dawn Zinga, Associate Professor, Child and Youth Studies and a number of extraordinary research assistants at Brock University). This group spent three years researching and developing the materials that are provided here.
Since the handbook was first released, copies have been distributed in Ontario, across Canada and to Educators as far away as England and Australia. It has also been translated into Japanese and distributed in Japan. The team has made dozens of presentations to Educators, Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists and Child and Youth Workers.
Educators are invited to use this handbook, copy it and share it—free of charge. In addition, more information on Acquired Brain Injury can be found on the OBIA website.
Our deepest appreciation goes out to the many educators who participated in this study and to the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, which funded the project.