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About The Brain Basics Training Program

The Brain Basics Training Program is designed to provide front line Health Care Workers, Caregivers, Survivors and others with an opportunity to learn an understandable introduction to the world of Brain Injury. If Acquired Brain Injury was a simple injury, it might be possible to present a list of do’s and don’ts that would suffice.

Since Acquired Brain Injury is anything but a simple injury, in order to understand the importance of the strategies that might work with someone with an ABI, one must first understand the nature and complexity of Acquired Brain Injury; and to understand the nature and complexity of Acquired Brain Injury one must first have some understanding of the structure and function of the Brain. So that is where we start.

Upcoming course locations

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, no in person courses are planned at this time. We recommend taking OBIA’s Brain Basics e-Learning course.

The goals of the Brain Basics Course are to help participants to:

  • Understand the structure and function of the brain.
  • Appreciate the consequences of an Acquired Brain Injury.
  • Acquire practical strategies to work effectively with people living with the effects of Acquired Brain Injury.
  • Understand the roles of the various people who form the team responsible for the recovery and well-being of the person with the Acquired Brain Injury.

To date more than 2800 people have taken the program. Those who successfully complete the examination are awarded a certificate from OBIA.

The course modules include:

  • Module 1 – Parts and Functions of the Brain
  • Module 2 – ABI Types and Causes
  • Module 3 – ABI General Strategies
  • Module 4 – ABI Consequences and Strategies: Physical
  • Module 5 – ABI Consequences and Strategies: Cognitive
  • Module 6 – ABI Consequences and Strategies: Behavioural
  • Module 7 – Support Roles: Team and Family

These two-day courses will be held in various locations across Canada. When details for each location are finalized, you can click on the links below to download the registration form for each course.

Please direct all inquiries to:

Leah Hughes, Training Coordinator & Special Projects
Ontario Brain Injury Association
PO Box 2338,
St. Catharines, ON  L2R 7R9

Phone: (905) 641-8877 ext. 102 or 1-855-642-8877



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