The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA), in conjunction with various partner organizations, is pleased to share the following opportunities for scholarships, bursaries and other financial assistance to the brain injury community. Please check out the following links for further information:
Compassionate Justice Fund
The Compassionate Justice Fund was developed to bridge a critical gap in funding and available rehabilitation services for people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury through means of violence, abuse, intimate partner violence, and those who have experienced unstable housing or homelessness.
Headway Homes Fund
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA), in partnership with the Headway Homes Fund at the Niagara Community Foundation, distributes $5,000.00 annually from a fund created by Headway Homes (Niagara) Inc. to enhance the lives of people in a slow-to-recover state following a brain injury.
The conditions of the fund are as follows: The person is an individual medically diagnosed as slow-to-recover (STR) following brain injury and either the individual and/or their family caregiver require specific financial assistance. STR refers to those individuals who do not show an extended period of fast-paced natural recovery soon after injury. Changes in their physical and/or cognitive recovery develop slowly and with minimal changes from day-to-day and month-to-month. It includes two functional patterns: inconsistently responsive and hard-to-place multi-need.
The first priority will be to assist individuals from the Niagara area, then the rest of Ontario. Applications begin each year on April 1 and are reviewed on a first come-first served basis.