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The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) continues to offer both Concussion Support Groups and Caregiver Support Groups through our Online Connection and Inclusion Support Group Program, from the comfort of your own home. Groups will be run throughout the year in eight-week sessions. During these sessions, groups progress through various topics to support mental well-being and resilience.

Benefits include:

  • Improving understanding of brain injury
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Developing strategies to cope with stress and isolation
  • Learning new skills and improving coping skills to deal with the challenges

In order to participate, you will need:

  • Access to a computer, tablet or cell phone with video and high-speed internet
  • Able to commit to all sessions

These group are completely FREE but require registration as groups fill up quickly. In order to make this available to more people, please sign up for only one time slot.

Concussion Support

The Online Concussion Support Groups will provide free support and education for individuals with concussion/brain injury.

The program is designed and facilitated by a Registered Social Worker with experience supporting those with trauma and concussion/brain injury. The groups are designed to provide a safe space generating connectedness and empowering participants to share their vulnerabilities. This allows them to experience challenges with their physical and mental well-being (anxiety, depression, changes in mood, difficulty coping with stress, PTSD, etc.) without fear of judgment.

Following the program, members have ongoing access to OBIA’s Support Services, who provide additional support, emotional support and client advocacy. Group members are also connected with OBIA’s Peer Support.

For more information, contact the Clinician/Group Facilitator, Vijaya Kantipuly, BS MSW RSW at 1-800-263-5404 ext. 249 or email

The Online Concussion Groups for September 2024 are open for registration.

Concussion Group Schedule

Tuesday, September 24 – November 12, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Session Full

Tuesday, September 24 – November 12, 2024
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Click here to register

Tuesday, September 24 – November 12, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Click here to register

Wednesday, September 25 – November 13, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Click here to register

Wednesday, September 25 – November 13, 2024
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Click here to register

Wednesday, September 25 – November 13, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Click here to register

Caregiver Support

Are you caring for a loved one with an acquired brain injury? Join one of our Online Caregiver Support Groups from the comfort of your home. You don’t have to be alone on this journey. Connect with other caregivers online in a confidential setting. Through the sharing of experiences, you can exchange ideas and manage stress. Each group is designed and facilitated by a Registered Social Worker.

Following the program, members have ongoing access to OBIA’s Support Services, who provide additional support, emotional support and client advocacy. Group members are also connected with OBIA’s eLearning Support Tool for Caregivers.

For more information, contact the Clinician/Group Facilitator Lekshmi Jayakrishnan, RSW at 905-641-8877, ext. 251 or email

The Online Caregiver Groups for September 2024 are open for registration.

Caregiver Group Schedule

Tuesday, September 24 – November 12, 2024
(Parents Group)

Wednesday, September 25 – November 13, 2024
(Spouses Group)

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Session Full


Click Here to Register


These groups have been developed with the intent to provide education and support including a safe place for people to discuss personal topics. These groups should not be considered as a replacement to any form of medical assessment or treatment. It is recommended that you consult with a medical professional before beginning these online support groups.

Funding for the Online Connection and Inclusion Support Groups is provided by:




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