Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2024 BIST/OBIA Mix & Mingle – See you all again next year!
The BIST/OBIA Mix & Mingle is the MUST ATTEND event of June and this year we look forward to being back in person again! This event has been a very successful celebration of many incredible years of partnerships with our ABI community, as well as raising funds to support the ongoing programs and services of both the Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST) and the Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA).
Funds raised by this event help to support the many BIST and OBIA programs and services, which include:
- Providing compassionate, personal advocacy and support services to individuals living with acquired brain injury and their families.
- A coordinated voice for our province-wide ABI network and professional and family caregivers on issues impacting the industry.
- Caregiver and survivor workshops, peer support program and monthly community meetings for members and their families.
- Brain Injury Training Programs, such as the Brain Basics e-Learning program, Brock University Certificate Training programs, providing training and information for frontline Healthcare Workers, Caregivers, and others.
Thanks to our many generous sponsors and to those of you who come out and enjoy the evening.
Registration is closed.
Ticket prices:
$135 Early Bird Rate (ended on May 17, 2024)
$150 Full Fee
Silent Auction
The Silent Auction Company has compiled a very extensive line of incredible auction items ranging from fine artwork, memorabilia, electronics, jewelry, travel and more.
Take part in the Online Silent Auction, to support brain injury initiatives of both BIST and OBIA!
Thank you to all the sponsors for supporting the BIST/OBIA Mix & Mingle!
For more information about tickets or sponsorship opportunities, contact:
Terry Bartol, phone: 905-641-8877 ext. 234,