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The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) in collaboration with the Personal Injury Alliance (PIA Law) are pleased to present the 2024 Awards of Excellence in Brain Injury Rehabilitation to those who consistently provide exceptional service to the brain injury community. 

The five award categories are as follows:

  1. Hospital Social Worker of the Year
  2. Case Manager of the Year
  3. Health Care Provider of the Year
  4. Community Brain Injury Association of the Year
  5. Rehabilitation Company of the Year

Nominations will take place from June 3 – June 28, 2024.
Voting will take place from August 6 – August 27, 2024

Nominations are open for the following categories

Hospital social worker of the year

Case manager of the year

Health care provider of the year

Community brain injury association of the year

Rehabilitation company of the year



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