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Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI Multi-Media Podcast Series

In 2021, OBIA partnered with Headsup Concussion Advocacy Network (HeadsupCAN) and the former Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation to develop a multi-media series titled Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI. The goal was to provide more context and understanding to the many different experiences following Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries.

In 2022, OBIA and HeadsupCAN have developed five more multi-media podcasts that will be released throughout June as part of Brain Injury Awareness Month. The episodes will be led by a leading expert in the field and consist of a group of individuals who have sustained brain injuries discussing their experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Each episode looks at different aspects of the recovery process.

We are so grateful to all the participants for being so open about sharing their experiences of concussion/TBI. Thank you as well to our fantastic facilitators who guided these conversations and encouraged participants to feel safe to share their story. We hope these stories will help others not feel alone in their journey and give them hope for their future.

We thank the Ontario Brain Institute for funding this year’s podcasts.

The following podcasts may contain sensitive material that could be potentially distressing or triggering to some people. 
If you require support, please call the OBIA Helpline at 1-800-263-5404.
The OBIA Helpline offers confidential and emotional support for those who need a caring, compassionate and non-judgmental listening ear.

The opinions expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily of the Ontario Brain Injury Association and Headsup Concussion Advocacy Network.
Please seek advice from a Registered Health Care Professional. 

2022 Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI Multi-Media Podcast Series – Season 2

Season 2 Trailer
Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI

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The Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI is an experience driven, multi-media podcast series that seeks to educate, support and spread awareness on the many facets of Concussion/TBI injuries. We are excited to share 5 new episodes of the podcast series focused on understanding the lived experience of concussion/TBI.

This series facilitates an environment for industry professionals and people directly affected by the injury to have meaningful, informed discussions about what it’s like going through a Concussion/TBI in various aspects of life.

Episode 1 – Brain Injury
and Justice

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HeadsupCAN Show Notes

Facilitated by Carolyn Lemsky, PhD, CPsych

Dr. Carolyn Lemsky guides this discussion with other professionals about the challenges and barriers individuals with a brain injury experience in navigating the justice system.

Release Date: June 1, 2022

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Episode 2 – Concussion/TBI Within the Veteran Community

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HeadsupCAN Show notes

Facilitated by Simon Kardynal, CD, MA, (Ret) MWO

Simon Kardynal facilitates the discussion in this episode about experiences of brain injury in the Canadian Armed Forces. The conversation explores group members’ challenges following their brain injury, experiences with being medically discharged, and the stigma of brain injury in the military.

Release Date: June 8, 2022

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Episode 3 – Impact of Brain Injury on Family Members

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HeadsupCAN Show Notes

Facilitated by Caron Gan, RP

Caron Gan guides a discussion by a group of family members about their experiences following their loved one’s brain injury. A mother, a sibling and a wife show immense courage as they share their challenges and triumphs following brain injury throughout this episode.

Release Date: June 15, 2022

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Episode 4 – Recovery at Home (Nutrition, Mindfulness, Yoga, etc.)

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HeadsupCAN Show Notes

Facilitated by Libby Nicholaou, MA, E-RYT 200, YACEP

Libby Nicholaou of LoveYourBrain Yoga gathers with other professionals to discuss how individuals with a brain injury can support their recovery at home following a brain injury. This episode looks at nutrition, mindfulness, support groups and targeted physical activities can improve symptoms following a brain injury.

Release Date: June 22, 2022

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Episode 5 – Accommodating a Concussion in the Classroom

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HeadsupCAN Show Notes

Facilitated by Ryan Sutton, MA

The Executive Director of HeadsupCAN, Ryan Sutton facilitates an in-depth, one-on-one conversation with Stephanie McFarland, Occupational Therapist with Holland Bloorview’s Concussion Centre as she answers questions from Ontario’s educators about how to accommodate concussions in the classroom.

Release Date: June 29, 2022

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Listen to the Podcasts on Buzzsprout:

2021 Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI Multi-Media Podcast Series – Season 1

This series has seven episodes that were released throughout June 2021 as part of Brain Injury Awareness Month. The episodes were led by a leading expert in the field and consist of a group of individuals who have sustained brain injuries discussing their experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Each episode looks at different aspects of the recovery process.

We are so grateful to all the participants for being so open about sharing their experiences of concussion/TBI. Thank you as well to our fantastic facilitators who guided these conversations and encouraged participants to feel safe to share their story. We hope these stories will help others not feel alone in their journey and give them hope for their future.

1 – Diagnosing Concussion/TBI: The Physician’s Perspective


Dr. Steph Dallaire leads a discussion with other doctors, a nurse practitioner and a neuropsychologist from across Ontario to speak about the complexity and challenges of diagnosing concussion/TBI.

Release Date: June 8, 2021

2 – Return to Education: Understanding What’s Best for Your Brain throughout Recovery


Penny Welch-West, a Speech-Language Pathologist with Parkwood Institute, guides a group of current students and graduates through a discussion about their experiences transitioning back to school following a concussion/TBI.  Group members talk about challenges, accommodations and strategies they implemented to support their return.

Release Date: June 10, 2021

3 – Return to Work: Re-Integration After Concussion/TBI


Leslie Birkett, an Occupational Therapist and Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) at McMaster University facilitates this discussion about participants’ experiences returning to work following a concussion/TBI. The conversation explores challenges, balancing life’s stressors and accommodations.

Release Date: June 15, 2021

4 – Return to Sport: Overcoming the Stigma of Concussions in Sport


Connor Massimo, Physiotherapist and Founder of Pulse Physiotherapy in Peterborough, leads a discussion about returning to sport after experiencing a concussion/TBI. This episode brings together athletes from various sport backgrounds who have competed at different levels to talk about stigma and identity following a concussion.

Release Date: June 17, 2021

5 – Support Systems: Supporting Persons Who’ve had a Concussion/TBI


Dr. Lesley Ruttan, a Neuropsychologist, and other professionals who support persons with concussions and brain injuries gather together in this episode to talk about their experiences and the challenges associated with accessing supports and services for their clients.

Release Date: June 22, 2021

6 – Life after a Concussion/TBI: Adapting to a New Way of Life


Becky Moran, Occupational Therapist with the Acquired Brain Injury Outpatient Team at Parkwood Institute facilitates this discussion about adapting to a new way of life following a concussion. Some of the topics this episode explores are the challenges of pacing oneself, relationships, and changes in identity.

Release Date: June 24, 2021

7: Facilitators’ Experiences: Insights from the Entire Series


A seventh episode will be released at the end of June facilitated by Seth Mendelsohn, Creative Director at Headsup Concussion Advocacy Network. This episode is a group discussion of the facilitators’ experiences leading their groups.

Release Date: June 29



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