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North Eastern Ontario Advocacy Program

Our support services in North Eastern Ontario places support at the direct service level, and brings together agencies who have acknowledged that shared support is necessary to maintain complex clients in the community. The program serves the geographic area of the North-Eastern LHIN to individuals living with acquired brain injury, and those with co-occurring diagnoses of addictions and/or mental health, including many who are frequently involved with the justice system. 

The program also supports caregivers who are burnt out by years of caring for their loved ones with limited or no support. It connects individuals to primary care, increases access to the appropriate services, and decreases the spontaneous and frequent use of emergency, crisis services or inefficient supports that are based on a lack of understanding of acquired brain injury.  

As the program grows, another need has been identified: to provide education about brain injury, its causes and consequences, to professionals and agencies. This education benefits not only clients and their families, but also a wide range of service providers, including the hospital (an identified partner), medical practitioners and staff working in mental health and addiction, home care, rehabilitation, police services, and other community agencies.

For more information please contact:

Virginia Hack
Phone: 1.800.263.5404 ext. 243

Funding for the North Eastern Ontario Advocacy program is generously funded by:

Aqueduct Foundation Logo

on behalf of the Andrée Rhéaume
and Robert Fitzhenry Family Foundation



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