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Webinar  |      May 27, 2021 from 12pm - 1pm   |     Online via Zoom   |     Register Here

Guest Speaker: Franςoise Mathieu

Sponsored by: Gluckstein Lawyers

Speaker Bio:

Françoise is a Registered Psychotherapist in the province of Ontario and a subject matter expert on topics related to psychological trauma, empathic strain and secondary trauma. Françoise has worked for nearly 25 years in community mental health, crisis intervention and with the military and law enforcement. Françoise’s company TEND developed a training program in 2002 to help professionals recognize and manage the impact of working in high stress, trauma exposed settings.

This program has grown in size and scope since its early inception and TEND is now present across North America, offering training and consulting to a wide variety of workplaces. Françoise has worked with the Los Angeles Police, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Cirque du Soleil, the Chief Coroner’s Office and many other organizations who do high stress exposed work.

Françoise is a TedX speaker and is one of the founding members of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Consortium. She is also the author of “The Compassion Fatigue Workbook” which was published by Routledge in 2012 as well as several articles and publications.

Event Contact:  Terry Bartol   |  Call 905-641-8877 ext. 234   |   Email

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