Brain Injury Community Re-Entry Inc.

Brain Injury Community Re-entry (Niagara) Inc. (BICR) is a non-profit organization that provides support services and rehabilitation to individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.
We believe each individual is a unique adult and is deserving of respect and dignity. Support should be flexible, individualized and reflective of the participants’ choices, abilities and existing support services. Choice often involves some elements of risk. Where possible, individuals will be permitted to experience the result of their choices to the extent that they are able. Independence is a dynamic process of accessing people and services as challenges and successes change. We rigorously promote the rights of the individual and promote recognition of acquired brain injury and how it affects individuals and families through ongoing advocacy and public education.
Brain Injury Community Re-entry will provide support and leadership to individuals, their families and/or caregivers within the Niagara Region living with the effects of an acquired brain injury. We promote self-direction, facilitate opportunities for meaningful adaptation, and contribute to the development of the agency and its people. We participate in advancements in the field of rehabilitation, and participate in partnerships that foster ongoing dialogue with the individual and their support network.
2-3340 Schmon Parkway
Thorold, ON, L2V 4Y6