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Conference  |      Apr 25  -  Apr 26, 2024   |     Hybrid Event - Zoom & BMO Education & Conference Centre, Toronto Western Hospital (limited capacity)   |     Register Here

The Canadian Concussion Centre, headquartered at Toronto Western Hospital, is holding its 11th Annual Concussion Research Symposium, “Update on Research and Care for the Concussion Spectrum of Disorders” on April 26, 2024.

The associated Public Forum, “Navigating Concussions for Patients and Families” will take place on April 25, 2024.

Please see the Speaker tab for information about invited speakers.

Symposium Director: Dr. Charles Tator

Chairs: Dr. Carmela Tartaglia & Dr. Robin Green

Symposium Manager: Mozhgan Khodadadi

Questions? Contact UHN Conference Services at

NOTE: The safety and well-being of attendees is of the utmost importance to the Symposium’s Planning Committee therefore should the current global pandemic deem it unsafe to gather in person, the Symposium will shift to a virtual format. Communication regarding this matter will be shared with all registrants as decisions are made. We thank you for you patience and understanding and look forward to meeting with you.

Call for Abstracts Information

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Event Contact:  Conference Services   |   Email

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