The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA), in partnership with the Headway Homes Fund at the Niagara Community Foundation, distributes $5,000.00 annually from a fund created by Headway Homes (Niagara) Inc. to enhance the lives of people in a slow-to-recover state following a Brain Injury.
The conditions of the fund are as follows:
The person is an individual medically diagnosed as slow-to-recover (STR) following brain injury and either the individual and/or their family caregiver require specific financial assistance. STR refers to those individuals who do not show an extended period of fast-paced natural recovery soon after injury. Changes in their physical and/or cognitive recovery develop slowly and with minimal changes from day-to-day and month-to-month. It includes two functional patterns: inconsistently responsive and hard-to-place, multi-need.
The individual’s status can also be described as associated with the following Rancho-Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning: Levels II – III (inconsistently responsive) or Level V (hard-to-place multi-need). The individual also requires 24 hour nursing services and is non-independently mobile.
Items that may be considered appropriate for funding consideration are items that would directly improve the quality of life of the individual living with the brain injury. Requests for funds to be directed towards administrative activities or items that will not be directly used with the individual will NOT be considered. Requests from family caregivers may include conference registration fees or alternative activities of learning that would support their continued role with the individual living with the brain injury.
The first priority will be to assist individuals from Niagara and then Ontario, Canada.
All application forms must include the signature of a Registered Health Care Professional familiar with the individual in the slow to recover state.
Please note: Applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis beginning April 1 each year. Application forms can be downloaded and completed in advance, but cannot be submitted for consideration prior to April 1 each year (no exceptions).
To apply to the fund, please click on the link below.
Click to download the application form
Once the form is completed and signed by a registered health care professional, please send to:
OBIA Headway Homes Fund
Attention Terry Bartol
All applications will be acknowledged and kept in the strictest confidence.