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Brain Injury Speaks Stakeholder Engagement Network of Ontario Releases the Final Report on the Long-Term Impacts of Acquired Brain Injury

The primary objective of this project was to investigate the long-term impacts of brain injury on individuals and their families and, by extension, the necessary supports and services for the long-term care of brain injury. We hoped to gain a deeper understanding of both the current use of existing services and supports and those that participants may need to access in the future.

Furthermore, this project aims to illuminate the impacts of brain injury on Ontario’s healthcare system and identify any existing gaps in services. Through our findings, we provide relevant recommendations of the support and services necessary and conducive to improving long-term health outcomes for individuals living with brain injury in Ontario.

We are so grateful to the Brain Injury Speaks members who participated in this survey and shared their experiences regarding the long-term impacts of acquired brain injury. We hope these results will shed light on the long-term challenges individuals with a brain injury encounter and highlight ways to improve the quality of life and enhance recovery.

Click to Read the Report

Click to Read the Infographic



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