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Results for: concussions

Concussion is a brain injury which can be caused by a sudden acceleration of the head and neck resulting from a blow or contact to the body. You do not need to lose consciousness to have sustained a concussion.
After sustaining an ABI, many different symptoms or changes may be observed. While every ABI is unique, combinations of the following symptoms or changes are common.
There is hope, there is help! Whether you have sustained a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion), moderate to severe brain injury, you are not alone, we are here to help!
View the current Board of Directors at Ontario Brain Injury Association, who are committed to improving lives of Ontarians living with ABI.
“I got my bell rung, I saw stars or I simply got a bump on the head” is what athletes would say after taking a hard hit or sustaining a blow to the head. More times than not the athlete returned to play without a second thought, without knowing that there could be serious life-long debilitating effects.