Annual Public Forum – Concussions in the Home and Workplace, including Falls and Interpersonal Violence: Prevention and Treatment
Eden Dales Social Work
We are a team of experienced and seasoned Registered social workers with expertise in post-trauma assessments and counselling services. We specialize in supporting individuals and families who have experienced traumatic brain injuries and concussions. We provide education, advocacy, support with government benefit applications and referrals to specialists. We work with individuals, couples and families and […]
Sharing Experiences with Concussion/TBI – Ep 5 Accommodating a Concussion in the Classroom
Concussion Resources for Adults
Concussions can happen in many different ways. They are not just specific to sports. Recovery from a concussion varies from person-to-person. The resources listed below can offer information and support to people in all stages of recovery.
Concussion Resources for Children
Children can respond to concussions differently than adults. This page helps to provide different information for kids, parents, coaches and professionals about children’s concussions.