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Thank you so much to our conference presenters. Where possible, we have included the slide decks from the their presentations. 

Keynote Presentations

Dr. Abe Snaiderman
Sexuality After Acquired Brain Injury

Sexual function is an issue that seldom gets addressed by clinicians and people with acquired brain injuries. This presentation, geared to the multidisciplinary audience, will outline the neurobiological, psychological and social aspects of sexuality after brain injury, the most common problems it presents with and the different approaches to deal with them.


  1. After this presentation the audience should be able to understand the interaction between neurobiology, psychology and social forces after a brain injury when it comes to sexual function
  2. To reflect on the changes in clinical practice needed in order to assess and treat issues related to sexual function after brain injury
  3. Learn communication strategies to comfortably assess the sexual function of people after brain injury and their significant others

Dr. Mary Scourboutakos
FOOD & MOOD: Exploring the Science of Nutrition and Mental Health.

Slide Deck Available Here

This talk will discuss the cutting-edge research that links nutrition with mental health. The science of how diet influences anxiety and depression will be illustrated. And finally, information regarding how to use food to promote mental health will be shared.

Slide Deck Available Here

Dr. Cheryl Jones
Music Therapy to Address Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Goals Following an ABI: Why It Matters and How It Works.

Most people use music for entertainment or relaxation.  Some may play an instrument for fun or as a creative outlet. However, because of its neural distribution and engagement, music and its elements can also provide powerful and unique neural stimuli for the rehabilitation of non-musical behaviours following an ABI. Goal areas include speech, motor, and cognitive rehabilitation.

Furthermore, the inherent expressive qualities of music provide opportunity to address a wide range of psychosocial goals including self-expression and affirmation or the reduction of anxiety or depression.

This presentation will discuss the impact of music on non-musical behaviours and the use of Neurologic Music Therapy ® to address functional rehabilitation goals.  It will also explore the use of music to address psychosocial goals and to support emotional healing. 

Case study examples will be included. A music background is not required to participate in music therapy.

Kimberley Black
How to Take Your Power Back After Winning the Bad Luck Lottery.

In the summer of 2020, Kimberley Black was violently attacked by a stranger while out for a walk in her neighbourhood. Following her attack, Kimberley was diagnosed with global brain damage and placed in a week-long coma while awaiting reconstructive jaw surgery. The healing support she received in the months that followed, by health care professionals, her husband, and the community, enabled her to make the cognitive recovery needed to defend her master’s thesis shortly after returning home. Kimberley is determined to use her experience to raise awareness about the causes of gender-based violence, to share what the research says about how to develop resilience, and to inspire victimized women to take their power back.


Concurrent Session A

A1 – Neuroprotective Effects and Resiliency of Symptoms Related to TBI.

Research has examined the functional benefits of athletic engagement and its interaction with increased autonomic arousal in persons with moderate/severe traumatic brain injury and mTBI such that aerobic exercise, in particular, is able to provide modest improvements in both cognition. Further, Good et al. (2022) found that while those with a history of mTBI acknowledged greater cognitive challenges relative to their non-mTBI counterparts, participation in sport across development and neuromaturation implied a neuroprotective advantage for resiliency in terms of intensity of postinjury symptomatic experiences not otherwise observed in their non-athletic cohort. In this presentation, we summarize our findings for various factors of resiliency and neuroprotection with respect to cognitive function and emotional regulation in mTBI.

Speaker: Dr. Dawn Good

A2 – Examining Amygdala Resting-State Functional Connectivity Alterations Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Chronic Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

Although depression is the most common psychiatric sequelae of moderate-to-severe TBI (msTBI), neuroimaging studies have yet to identify its clinical biomarker. The objective of this study was to contribute groundwork research towards this gap by examining bilateral amygdala resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in patients with chronic msTBI, with and without depressive symptoms. This preliminary study adds to the limited literature that implicates the aPFC in the pathophysiology of depressive symptoms in patients with msTBI. Increased aPFC-sensory/motor rsFC could be a clue signifying vulnerability to depression post-TBI, offering testable hypotheses for future investigation.

Speaker: Layan Elfaki

A3 – Community-Based Rehabilitation Training. A Model for On-Site Training of Local People in Rural Areas to Help an Individual with TBI Achieve a Meaningful Life. 

Slide Deck Available Here

Individuals living with a brain injury in remote areas often lack access to appropriate and adequate care. To overcome this issue, it is important that local people in rural areas are trained to provide brain injury rehabilitation. In this presentation, a case study of a man who acquired a brain injury in a rural area of Hungary is examined. Given the client’s rural location, access to care was limited, and a case was made to provide on-site training of local people to provide rehab that would target functional outcomes. A proposal was submitted to and approved by his Canadian Funding source to travel to Hungary to complete a needs analysis and provide on-site face-to-face training. A 5-day needs analysis, resource collection, and a comprehensive application-based training program were provided. Case-level evidence provided that access to care issues can be resolved if local people in remote communities train to become rehab coaches.

Speaker(s): Simone Friedman, Natalie Kalymon

A4 – Fraud Awareness – Reducing the Everyday Risks for You and Your Clients.

This presentation will discuss the various fraud schemes actively targeting all Canadians, and in particular, vulnerable persons. A discussion about the everyday things people do that, unwittingly, open themselves to the possibility of being the victim of fraud.

Speaker: Det. Martin Franssen

A5 – The Importance of Real World Practice, Re-Establishing Routines and Healthy Habits in the Pediatric ABI Recovery Journey.

Slide Deck Available Here

Regarding pediatric occupational therapy, research evidence supports that “engagement in daily occupations should remain the central focus of goals and interventions. It is also recommended that services take place within real-world settings for maximum benefit. Furthermore, re-establishing healthy habits/routines is a key component of a successful rehabilitation journey. One of the ways to ensure these evidenced-based recommendations are being carried out is to combine traditional in-person therapy with virtual live support services. The goal of virtual live services includes extending the hours of available therapy. In addition, virtual live support services can help to alleviate caregiver burnout by providing support during critical routines. VIDEO CLIP: Pediatric client with ABI utilizing virtual services to complete a daily routine using virtual services that incorporates visual scheduling & prompting.

Speaker: Jill Roberts

A6 – Harnessing Digital Power for Brain Injury Survivors: Insights, Strategies, and Collaborative Pathways.

Slide Deck Available Here

Although technology is a mainstay of daily current social, personal and financial interactions for most individuals, it is difficult for some brain injury survivors to navigate this ever-changing environment. Financial limitations, ability to select, implement and learn the vast variety of technology options is overwhelming for many.  

In this enlightening session, delegates will be introduced to the Brain Injury Association of Waterloo Wellington’s (BIAWW) Brain Connect program, now in its third year. This initiative stands as a testament to adaptability and resilience amidst the challenges presented during and post Covid-19 pandemic. We will review BIAWW’s journey, strategies, and learnings as they embarked on technology-driven initiatives that have substantially improved the lives of brain injury survivors.  

Delegates will receive invaluable insights to harness the power of technology to support clients through their rehabilitation journey. This workshop will aim to equip attendees with useful information to implement technology solutions for their clients. Delegates will gain insights in how to increase safety, connectivity and enjoyment of daily life for their clients through examples of the types technology devices that are on the market, resources and training opportunities and a list of apps that can be used for cueing, prompting, organization as well as coordination of activities of daily life (ADLs).  

Speaker(s): Lynda Abshoff, Emily Singh, Jeff Chartier, and Chris Bint

Concurrent Session B

B1 – We’ve Harnessed the Power, Now Let’s Unleash It.

Slide Deck Available Here

Ontario lacks an equitable system of care for traumatic brain injuries (TBI), where the quality of care and health outcomes depend on where you live, available funding, and severity/type of injury. This project developed evidence-based standardized neurotrauma care pathways for all Ontarians living with TBI of any severity by engaging key partners from across the province. Come learn how you fit into the pathway and be part of a discussion among a person with lived experience, an insurance representative, a navigator, and an implementation specialist, that will highlight their different perspectives on the strengths of the pathway and the strategies for implementation, taking into account regional realities, priorities, and equity considerations, as well as evaluation strategies. The goal is to take the clinical pathway into everyday practice to unleash the power of the project giving a strong role to persons with lived experience.

Speaker(s): Judy Gargaro, Dr. Matheus Wiest, Cathy Halovanic


B2 – Breakdowns in Behaviour and Communication – How to Reconnect and Regain Equilibrium in ABI Rehabilitation.

Slide Deck Available Here

Brain injury survivors often face cognitive-communication and behaviour challenges that can impact both their lives at home and their rehabilitation progress. This presentation will discuss how behaviour and communication are inextricably connected, explore collaborative and functional approaches to support dysregulation and communication, and present a toolkit that survivors, caregivers, and rehabilitation team members can utilize. Using case studies, evidence-based best-practice guidance, and personal experience, we will outline practical strategies and approaches for survivors, caregivers, and rehabilitation professionals to support interaction, therapy sessions, and communication success. Non-traditional approaches and innovation to client’s behaviours, communication, and goal setting will also be discussed. Overall, this presentation aims to provide a fresh perspective on supporting behaviour and communication for ABI. Participants will leave with functional strategies they can implement to build success in their lives, relationships, and rehabilitation sessions.


Speaker(s): Meagan Buttle, Stacey Levine

B3 – Good To Go Today But… An Examination of mTBIs Role in Future Work.

Slide Deck Available Here

Despite the outward physical appearance and cognitive abilities presented by many mTBI clients, a return-to-work implementation does not always lead to success. This presentation reviews the current literature regarding a person with mTBI and the success rate of returning and sustaining long-term work. Case studies will be presented identifying barriers, and strategies used for readying the client for the return to sustainable employment. This panel will discuss the importance of documentation and report writing in order to assist our client’s legal team with future return-to-work discussions and projections. We will provide the audience with strategies that will help their clients to harness the power required to be successful in a return-to-work process. We will look at short-term success versus the long road ahead with respect to employment for our clients with an mTBI. We will look at how life changes affect the client’s ability to remain in the workforce.

Speaker(s): Tatum Bell, Christie MacGregor, Trevor Sikkema


B4 – “I’m tired of feeling tired”: An Evidence-Informed Rehabilitation Perspective on Understanding and Mitigating Fatigue in an ABI Population.

Slide Deck Available Here

The experience of fatigue is prevalent within the acquired brain injury (ABI) population, with significant impacts on the ability to function day-to-day, return to work, and engage socially. Fatigue is driven by unique person-centred characteristics, such as brain injury severity and other vulnerabilities, and should be viewed with a holistic lens. Understanding that occupation and environmental factors also play a critical role in how ABI survivors mitigate fatigue is an important consideration in enabling the individual to work towards pre-injury energy levels and occupational routines. The aim of this presentation is to conceptualize fatigue from a person, occupation, and environmental standpoint. An overview of fatigue management strategies will be reviewed. A recent systematic review on the efficacy of various self-management fatigue interventions will also be presented. The presentation’s ultimate goal is to provide various stakeholders (ABI survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals) with general principles of fatigue management and the message that fatigue should be reframed and normalized to reduce disability perceptions and eventual functional deconditioning in the ABI population.

Speaker: Dr. Melissa Paniccia


B5 – Muddling Through: A Guide To Supporting Caregivers.

Slide Deck Available Here

This presentation is designed to provide participants with communication skills and practical strategies for supporting clients with disabilities and their caregivers. The approach is based on a positive psychology model that focuses on “building what’s strong not fixing what’s wrong”.

The skills and strategies to be discussed are intended first to increase the knowledge base of all team members – including the client and caregivers – regarding evidence-based approaches that can promote and maintain effective professional relationships. Second, the strength-based model of service delivery presented here allows us to identify and apply techniques that are designed to enhance client and caregiver resilience. Finally, we will look at quality of life issues from the perspective of physical and emotional wellness, social relationships, and participation in meaningful activities. Participants are encouraged to reflect on how the skills and strategies presented here can be applied not only to their work with clients and families but also to interactions with colleagues and treatment teams and to strengthen resilience and manage stress in their personal lives.

Speaker: Dr. Alan Lawrence


B6 – Resilience: Bouncing Back from Brain Injury.

Slide Deck Available Here

Resilience is being increasingly recognized as a critical component in the healing process after an overwhelming, debilitating, and traumatic experience. To date, there isn’t overall scientific agreement on a definition and there isn’t a single path to wellness that is universally accepted. As a thirty-year traumatic brain injury survivor, Kathy Worotny has worked through many adjustments following a severe car crash. Collaborating with educational researcher, Suzanne De Froy EdD, insights from research helped conceptualize Kathy’s recovery process of growing beyond deficits and limitations.  Building on this research, multiple data sources are used including interviews and written testimony from family and friends, Kathy’s personal journals, as well as reports and evaluations prepared by therapists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, surgeons, lawyers, and insurance personnel. This presentation aligns key concepts from resilience theory that apply to Kathy’s health and support network using qualitative data analysis.  Additional concepts are provided to advance research and the understanding of those who deal with brain injury every day.

Speaker(s): Dr. Suzanne De Froy, Kathy Worotny


Concurrent Session C

C1 – The Power of Rehabilitation Through a Cultural Lens.

With the general population in Canada becoming increasingly diverse, it is essential for healthcare professionals to provide culturally sensitive treatment. Delivering quality treatment following a brain injury to culturally diverse populations comes with unique challenges. Healthcare providers must have a full appreciation of each individual client’s cultural background, which often comes with its distinctive customs, norms, and values. It is important to know and understand culturally influenced health behaviours that can influence issues about medications, decision-makers in the family, body language, diet restrictions, and alternative/traditional medicines. This esteemed panel discussion would dive into brain injury rehabilitation challenges faced by marginalized groups and explore practical strategies to incorporate culture into the rehabilitation journey. It would also incorporate the unique perspective of a brain injury survivor and how cultural healing helped her recovery journey following a brain injury.

Our goal is for attendees to feel empowered to incorporate the practical strategies shared by the panelists into their practice and continue their journey into embracing culture for optimal rehabilitation outcomes.

Speaker(s): Liane Brown, Nakema Walker, Elaine Wabie, John Shamoon, and Samantha Maas-Crowell.

C2 – Untangling the Everyday – Using the RTSS to Describe Rehabilitation Opportunities for Individuals with ABI Within CONNECT’s Life Redesign Model.

Slide Deck Available Here

This presentation will explore the Leading Practice Life Redesign Model which supports people in redesigning their lives after ABI and stroke. The RTSS model developed by top researchers across many disciplines includes meaningful community participation with an emphasis on social capital and supported risk- taking. In 2016, The Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS) was introduced to rehabilitation science. The RTSS provides a means of documenting, researching, and discussing the many components of any kind of rehabilitation. Through CONNECT and in partnership with Hamilton Health Sciences, people living with ABI are supported to engage in everyday activities to support their Life Redesign Plan. Using actual case examples, this presentation will outline how the RTSS is being used at CONNECT, both in individual experiences and in larger group events. We will explore how the RTSS approach has helped teach Life Redesign Coaches to see the many opportunities for rehabilitation. This will demonstrate how the RTSS helps to quantify and qualify the integrated rehab built into the Life Redesign Model.

Speaker(s): Deidre Sperry, Adam Van Sickle, Heather Busili

C3 – Management of Auditory Symptoms Post-Concussion Can Promote Rehabilitation.

Slide Deck Available Here

This presentation will discuss the auditory consequences of brain injury, highlight auditory rehabilitation treatments, and will provide a practical guide to the inclusion of auditory symptoms in post-concussion screening to assist with appropriate audiology referrals. The presentation is made by an audiologist whose practice involves post-concussion auditory management, and a concussion survivor currently receiving auditory treatment.

Speaker(s): Dr. Salima Jiwani, Lisa Griffiths 

C4 – ABI FYI: Acquired Brain Injury For Your Information.

Slide Deck Available Here

Receiving education and peer support post-ABI is a critical part of the recovery process. Brain injury is a complex condition affecting every facet of health and functioning in daily life. Many people with ABI have limited professional help and guidance and feel isolated by their condition. Enter ABI FYI: a free information and peer-sharing group started by an Occupational Therapist in collaboration with the Brain Injury Association Peterborough Region. Each month, a topic related to brain injury is presented and discussed, ranging from memory and communication to sensory sensitivity and relationships after ABI. The group is open not only to people with ABI but also caregivers, family, students, clinicians, and interested community members. Come and learn about this unique resource, presented by both its creators and participants…and how you can join in the next virtual meeting!

Speaker(s): Nicole Nadeau, Teryl Hoefel, Karen Beaney, Jasper Hoogendam

C5 – Systematic Complexities of Community-based Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation and the Interconnection of ABI, Mental Health, and Addictions.

Slide Deck Available Here

Acquired Brain Injury, mental health, and addictions are multifaceted, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. The purpose of this study is to examine the complexities of providing community-based rehabilitation and the interrelation among ABI, mental health, and addictions. By utilizing case studies we will demonstrate that the only way to perpetually enhance the lives and rehabilitation goals of the individual is to treat comorbid disorders holistically. We provided community-based rehabilitation support for individuals living in the community with an ABI through a Supported Independent Living (SIL) program. The SIL program provided support to 47 individuals. Within this population, it was discovered there was a mental health prevalence of 68% and an addiction prevalence of 23%. By collaborating with a multidisciplinary team of professionals from the community, client-specific support was designed to reflect needs. The program has thus far maintained a 100% success rate in supporting individuals to maintain their independence, and an 86% success rate for individualized goal attainment. However, it is vital to note that the success of these individuals varies significantly. Specific case studies will be drawn upon regarding the complexity of service and degree of success.

Speaker(s): Mike Redgers, Maryam Yusuf, Sophia Simmons

C6 – Persons With Brain Injury Have a Lot to Say. Are We Listening?

Slide Deck Available Here

Historically persons with lived experience of brain injury (PWLE) have not been engaged in developing clinical practice guidelines. It is essential to understand the lived experience to ensure that care and services are meeting the real needs that persons after brain injury have, particularly in the community. The Canadian TBI Guideline and Neurotrauma Care Pathways teams connected with community partners, ABI organizations, and research networks to recruit PWLE to evaluate the Canadian TBI Guideline and the Care Pathways. Recruitment material, consent documentation, and engagement methods were carefully curated to address accessibility needs. PWLE evaluated content through focus groups and feedback surveys and contributed to research evidence analysis through expert panel participation. Within the focus group series, participants discussed key topics addressed by the Canadian TBI Guideline, identified areas of improvement within the Care Pathways, and suggested solutions/strategies to address the needs of PWLE. One-on-one interviews were also conducted to evaluate the existing TBI Care Pathways and identify gaps to be addressed to achieve ideal Care Pathways. 

This presentation will discuss the outcomes of these focus groups and the Neurotrauma Care Pathways.

Speaker(s): Judy Gargaro, Laura Langer, Aishwarya Nair

Concurrent Session D

D1 – Music Therapy Following ABI: A Closer Look.

Following the keynote lecture, The Use of Music Therapy to Address Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Goals Following an ABI: Why It Matters and How It Works, this breakout session will further discuss the topic of music therapy post-ABI, include more case study examples, and provide opportunity for Q and A.

Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Jones

D2 – Does Early Intervention Post-Concussion Really Work? Perspectives From Patients, Caregivers, Clinicians, and Researchers.

Concussion is a significant public health concern due to the underestimated frequency of the injury and the potential for prolonged disability. Emerging evidence indicates that early, individualized interventions focusing on a graded return to pre-injury exercise or activity level, and early education on expectations and symptom management may be beneficial in promoting a more timely return to pre-injury activities.  This presentation will highlight the experiences of patients, caregivers, clinicians, and researchers from the Hull-Ellis Concussion and Research Clinic to examine the role of early intervention in concussion care. Their perspectives surrounding the value of early interventions post-concussion will be shared. Our presentation will explore the effectiveness of early standardized concussion education, including which symptom clusters are most problematic for guidance, and address other challenges in implementing standardized education. Sub-symptom Threshold Aerobic Exercise (AE) has emerged as a promising treatment post-concussion. The efficacy and feasibility of sub-symptom threshold AE has been examined by our team to demonstrate its applicability and feasibility in a heterogeneous adult population. Strategies to increase AE post-concussion in the general population will also be discussed.

Speaker(s): Evan Foster, Tharshini Chandra, Dr. Mark Bayley, Dr. Paul Comper, Joseph Stonehouse

D3 – Challenges and Innovations in Pediatric ABI Rehabilitation.

In this session, the results of several research projects undertaken by the Turkstra Lab that focus on challenges and opportunities in pediatric ABI rehabilitation will be discussed. These include timely and appropriate referrals to rehabilitation professionals (e.g., speech-language pathology), understanding the needs of multilingual children with cognitive communication difficulties, and exploring the potential of social media to support the social participation of adolescents with ABI. Additionally, we will discuss the innovative application of mindfulness-based interventions in cognitive communication rehabilitation. Using qualitative research results, we will highlight the importance of timely, personally meaningful, and evidence-based practices in pediatric ABI rehabilitation. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the complex nature of ABI and the challenges faced by children, families, and rehabilitation professionals. They will also learn about innovative approaches to address these challenges. Participants will leave with practical strategies and insights to improve outcomes for this vulnerable population.

Speaker(s): Lisa Kakonge, Minseo (Sunny) Kim, Elena Gamm, Marie-France Perrier, Dr. Lyn Turkstra

D4 – Pharmacological Treatment-SPECT and Neuropsychiatry.

Slide Deck Available Here

Perfusion brain single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) indirectly measures cerebral functional activity by the uptake of a radiotracer, which follows regional cerebral blood flow. Brain 3D Thresholded SPECT scans are thresholded three-dimensional images derived from brain SPECT data. A retrospective community study of longitudinal (before and after treatment) brain 3D Thresholded SPECT scans of 73 patients with mild traumatic brain injury, shows these baseline SPECT scans predict improvement (non-worsening to large improvement) in clinical functioning with a sensitivity of 94% (95% confidence interval 86–98%) and a specificity of 67% (95% confidence interval 21–94%). In contrast, contemporaneous analysis by the same radiologist of conventional 2D reading of the same before and after treatment brain SPECT scan data of the same 73 patients, predicted improvement (non-worsening to large improvement) in clinical functioning with a sensitivity of only 26% (95% confidence interval 17–37%) although with a specificity of 100% (95% confidence interval 44–100%). Furthermore, SPECT neuroimaging findings predicted successful treatment with specific pharmacological agents, depending on the neuroimaging finding. These correlations of neuroimaging findings to most likely be successful pharmaceutical agents will be presented.

Speaker: Dr. John F. Thornton, Dr. Philip Cohen

D5 – Meeting the Needs of Individuals Living with Brain Injury in Times of Crisis: The Brain Injury Pandemic Preparedness Project.

Slide Deck Available Here

Community is where life after a brain injury (BI) often begins. Community-based BI associations (BIAs) play a vital role in the daily lives of Canadians living with a BI, as well as their families/caregivers. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, these associations were on the forefront to help their clients who, like many people living with a disability, were isolated and disproportionately affected by the crisis.

Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, this two-year project brought together researchers and BIAs’ executive directors from across Canada to 1) better understand how Canadian BIAs have adapted their services/programs during the pandemic; 2) increase networking among these associations; and 3) co-create a brain injury pandemic preparedness (BIPP) resource tool to optimize BIAs’ response in future times of crises.

This session will first discuss how the project started and was developed through a collaborative approach, including focus groups and co-design workshops with BIA key stakeholders. Secondly, it will summarize the main challenges that were faced by BI survivors from the onset of the pandemic, including basic needs, isolation, fear around COVID-19, compliance with public health guidelines, and the use of technology to access support services. We will also present on the adaptations made by BIAs as they pivoted services from in-person to online and created new outreach methods to meet the increasing needs of clients. The session will conclude by identifying lessons learned from BIAs’ experience in supporting the BI community during the COVID-19 pandemic, always with the goal of leaving no one behind. We will also present the BIPP resource tool, co-designed to foster resilience in the BI community, and prioritize the need for greater preparedness and collaboration among associations going forward.

Speaker(s): Dr. Ana Paula Da Silva Salazar, Michelle McDonald, Dr. Sophie Lecours

D6 – The Hidden Demographic:  Supporting Young Caregivers

Slide Deck Available Here

In the province of Ontario alone, over half a million young caregivers, those under the age of 25 years, provide various forms of unpaid support within their homes to a loved one who is living with a disability, addiction, chronic illness, and/or other experiences. While the research has grown in the past decade on the experiences of these young caregivers, support across the country continues to focus primarily on adult-aged caregivers. This lack of support has been shown to lead to young caregivers experiencing a greater risk of increased stress, high levels of loneliness, depressive symptoms, high levels of isolation, low self-esteem, difficulty relating to peers, high levels of anxiety, and less opportunity for physical activity. Within this session we seek to create space to bring together the lived experience of young caregivers, with professional expertise and research to educate both professionals and loved ones on how best to support the young caregivers in their lives. This will be done through three main objectives: understanding the young caregiver identity and impacts, exploring the differences between young caregiver-specific needs and that of non-caregiving children and youth, and building a toolbox of targeted and tangible support methods focused around young caregivers supporting loved ones with an acquired brain injury.

Speaker: Alicia Pinelli

Thank you to our 2023 Lead Sponsors

Conference Contact Information

Terry Bartol, Conference Coordinator
905-641-8877 x234



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